A Lake Most Deep Shijuren Volume 1 Rob Howell Kellie Hultgren Patrick McEvoy Adam Hale 9780996125963 Books
Download As PDF : A Lake Most Deep Shijuren Volume 1 Rob Howell Kellie Hultgren Patrick McEvoy Adam Hale 9780996125963 Books
Every year hundreds of warriors and swordsmen travel to the grand city of Basilopolis to audition for the Emperor of Makhaira's personal company. Only the greatest are admitted into that elite corps. Most are found wanting and sent on their way, with nothing more than the tales of how they were almost good enough to serve him. Edward Aethelredson knows that he is worthy to pledge his blade for the Emperor's service. His entire life has readied him for this moment, and now he must only finish his journey and claim his rightful place amongst the best. In the midst of his journey, however, he finds himself pledging his sword - and his life - not to the Emperor but to a lowly innkeeper. He swears an oath to discover who kidnapped and murdered a young and innocent girl. He finds himself unraveling a conspiracy that could threaten the very foundation of the Empire. Armed with his ancestral sword of glittering water-steel and knowledge passed on to him by the greatest magician in his homeland, Edward must also face the memories of a father slain, a king defied, and past oaths sworn. His future awaits...
A Lake Most Deep Shijuren Volume 1 Rob Howell Kellie Hultgren Patrick McEvoy Adam Hale 9780996125963 Books
The first thing I want to say is, "When does the next book in this series come out?!" The author was right when he said in the forward that the world he created could be confusing and I did appreciate the appendices and glossary, which I looked at before starting the book. It is hard to flip back to consult them while reading on a kindle. I was also a little disappointed that the magical aspects of the Shijurenean world didn't play a bigger part in this novel. What kept me reading was the interesting and varied characters. There was a good deal of humor and sarcasm which made it fun to read. I also enjoyed the author's appreciation of cats as evidence by the description of their behavior. The intricate plot twists kept me wanting to read a few more pages even if I was supposed to be sleeping or doing something else important! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Science Fiction/Fantasy or Medieval things!Product details
Tags : A Lake Most Deep (Shijuren) (Volume 1) [Rob Howell, Kellie Hultgren, Patrick McEvoy, Adam Hale] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Every year hundreds of warriors and swordsmen travel to the grand city of Basilopolis to audition for the Emperor of Makhaira's personal company. Only the greatest are admitted into that elite corps. Most are found wanting and sent on their way,Rob Howell, Kellie Hultgren, Patrick McEvoy, Adam Hale,A Lake Most Deep (Shijuren) (Volume 1),Aesc & Thorn Publishing,0996125965,FICTION Fantasy Epic
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A Lake Most Deep Shijuren Volume 1 Rob Howell Kellie Hultgren Patrick McEvoy Adam Hale 9780996125963 Books Reviews
A novel about a stranger in a new town who tries to find out who kidnapped a young woman from an inn. Along the way, he must make friends and allies, learn about the different factions operating in the city, improve his fighting skills, eat some really tasty food, and try not to get killed.
There's quite a bit of world here, and it stretches beyond the borders of the book. The mixture of elements derived from a vast swath of Europe contribute to that largeness, and the final section of the book has substantial appendices should context not be good enough. The characters come with history as well, doled out to the reader in spoonfuls when necessary. There's a lot of food imagery here, as well as a lot of drinking. And some fighting. And running around pulling on the threads of a mystery. All of this could have been really clunky, but it fits together well and stays interesting.
Borrowed through Prime loan, but buying it and the next one soon.
Rob has done a great job of creating an immersive world on his first foray into fantasy fiction. In a tradition epitomized by Guy Gavriel Kay, he's taken historical times and places and given them a twist to make them his own. His characters are well drawn, his writing style is delightful, and his story is interesting. I'm a fan!
I got this book on a whim at ComicCon in Kansas City. This book is compelling! It doesn't create as deep a world, but the story kept me reading chapter after chapter. I highly recommend giving this book a read.
A good blend of mystery and action. The click through index was a handy touch for the language bits. Looking forward to the sequel.
Immerse yourself in a world where honor is everything. In a city of plots within plots a kidnapping occurs from an Inn and Edward Aethelredson, an outsider, is asked to investigate little knowing his search would lead him to the biggest players in the city. Players who would prefer to see him dead.
- Good dialog work
- Good character development
- Good plot pacing
Didn't like
- Clunky prologue
- Description of unnamed women in Ragnar's hall as 'ugly' without reason
- Other small stylistic quibbles
Will definitely pick up the next book when it's available.
I really enjoyed the characters, they are well-rounded and act with plausible motivations. You slowly get to know the main character, who is drawn into a mysterious kidnapping almost against his will, but his honor binds him to investigate, even though it’s quickly clear that no-one wants him involved and they will go to great, even final, lengths to make sure he stays out of it. I was engaged in the story quickly, and although yes, there are a lot of non-English words sprinkled into the tale, I recognized them as having Norse roots and they didn’t throw me off my reading, but rather added flavor.
The first thing I want to say is, "When does the next book in this series come out?!" The author was right when he said in the forward that the world he created could be confusing and I did appreciate the appendices and glossary, which I looked at before starting the book. It is hard to flip back to consult them while reading on a kindle. I was also a little disappointed that the magical aspects of the Shijurenean world didn't play a bigger part in this novel. What kept me reading was the interesting and varied characters. There was a good deal of humor and sarcasm which made it fun to read. I also enjoyed the author's appreciation of cats as evidence by the description of their behavior. The intricate plot twists kept me wanting to read a few more pages even if I was supposed to be sleeping or doing something else important! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Science Fiction/Fantasy or Medieval things!
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